Does our country constantly contradict itself?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some links for you

The purpose of this blog is to provide you, my reader, with some links that are very useful for this subject and can provide you with some valuable information. To start off, I think that this site is a good one if you just want to look at the overall concept of this debate and see a view that isn't biased. It is also good to learn the history behind it and why it is such a big issue. As I have stated many times before, many people actually believe that the words "separation of church and state" are actually in the constitution when they are actually not. This website is a good site to go to if you want to get the actual facts about this myth. It is somewhat of an opinionated website, but at the same time, it is a good source to see a side of this issue that you may have not seen before.

If you want to learn about the sides of the debate then The Jeremiah Project is a good website to visit. It gives an overall view of the issue and talks about the two sides of the debate (those for separation and those against it). I thought that this was a good website when doing my research to see another side to the issue and see reasons for people's certain position on it. Along with this website, Americans United is also another website that is very opinionated but is still a good source of information. This website is sponsered by those for the separation of church and state and gives good facts to back up there reasoning for their stance.

Finally, the following list of links are good just if you want to learn some more facts about this issue. These websites are filled with interesting facts that you can look at. Some of them are biased but most are not:,,,

Also, here's a very interesting video I found on youtube:


Anonymous said...

How can we (the Christians) say it is right to keep prayer out of school? The very principles that this country was built upon - "In GOD we trust is inscribed on our currency; One Nation UNDER GOD - is in our pledge of allegiance... so how do we Christians with a clear conscience sit back and allow small contingencies of groups to force the rest of the country to their way of doing things. What is the reason for removing prayer from school? How was it hurting a person? Since prayer and the pledge of allegiance have been removed from schools - the moral fiber and culture of our schools has steadily declined.

Vilese11 said...

I understand where you are coming from, but prayer shouldn't be FORCED onto children who don't practice Christianity. How would you feel if your child was forced to participate in Hindu practices and they were Christians?

Anonymous said...

i am just getting back to your comment... Hinduism and other religions were and are not a part of the founding principles of this country - Lets not forget that though there are other religions and beliefs that is NOT the fiber our country was built upon. The Native American Indians believe in GOD as well as the "founding fathers" of america...lets not become so distracted by the principles of "man" an the practices of "man" that we forget

Vilese11 said...

I understand what you're saying, but at the same time, our country was also built on the principles of religious freedom, so don't you think having required prayer in public schools would be contradictory.

Anonymous said...

in response to your question....if you do a comparison study...I am sure you will find that once prayer was removed from schools - there was a spike in suspensions, fights, and even with the current state of affairs in our public schools - violence (gun shootings in schools), the moral decay of teacher/student relationships (teachers having sex with children) ... Children having sex with each other in schools. All the things that was frowned upon to even occur in schools is now rampant. Again, prayer was not the issue... the issue was and is in my opinion we(Christians) are too willing to accept the things of this world and what a small majority say in society is wrong and we(Christians) go along with it for the sake of being peaceful. Yet, our children and schools are steadily declining...but no one is willing to take a close look at Prayer in School vs. the outcomes of when Prayer was removed... I think if people really looked closely all would agree the results would be astonishing